Emergence Energy Healing
Are you ready to move through your old beliefs and traumas and emerge into the full embodiment of your true self?
Our eternal self has always been there. But our accumulated experiences of trauma have made it difficult to see, feel, trust that this is so. And when we access an authentic part of ourselves, we are often afraid to show it to the world.
Now is the time.
We are being called to let go of our limiting beliefs and to embody the wisdom gained from acknowledging, accepting and integrating our fears and traumas so we can live the life we came here to live and share the gifts we came to offer. Whether our purpose is as simple as holding compassion for others or as big as creating something that hasn’t been seen on the planet before, our unique gifts are needed for the benefit of all.
Working in collaboration with your guides, my intuition and utilizing the compassionate power of flower essences along with the experience and wisdom I have gained from decades of my own work clearing, healing, integrating and expanding my energy field, I hold space for you to access your own innate knowing.
What to expect in a session:
In a session we will identify what is “up” for you through deep conversation. Then I will be led to the essences that will help gently shift a pattern or belief you are holding that is no longer serving you. These essences are chosen by your higher self and guides via muscle testing and are shifted energetically to you by focused intention.
We then explore what was underneath that layer and has now come to the surface to be felt and released. We continue moving through layers with this process until it becomes clear we are “done” for now.
This process brings more ease and grace into your life and often the “answers” you are looking for..
Anita has helped me for years to find grounding and clarity in myself and my work. She gives credit to the essences, but she is a pivotal part of finding the root of what’s imbalanced and a way forward with faith and ease. My life is richer and what I need is constantly unfolding with her wisdom and assistance!
Anita has helped us unfold our healing venture to serve the community from its inception. She works with us in stages so that the balancing and resources continue to emerge in support of this endeavor. She understands and guides evolution in a way that is unique and keeps us inspired to grow along with the work!

About Flower Essences
Essences are gifts from the nature energies that resonate with us on an energetic level to remind us of our own underlying wholeness and clarity. They are electromagnetic patterns of flowers, locations or gems usually infused in water. Some essences have been offered by our galactic friends through crop circles or even direct downloads.
Essences can support our healing and growth by gently releasing what no longer serves us, guide us to our inner knowing and raise our vibration so we can hold more light for ourselves and, therefore, the planet.
As the vibration of the planet and humanity rises exponentially, I find the essences are a perfect tool for these times. They are as gentle and compassionate as they are powerful.
What to expect in a session:
I work from the belief that one needs to identify, feel, or at least have an awareness of —but not necessarily the story behind—the emotions we are experiencing in order to identify what is holding us back from creating and experiencing our joy, purpose and fulfillment.
In a session we will identify what is “up” for you through deep conversation. Then I will be led to the essences that will help gently shift a pattern or belief you are holding. These essences are chosen by your higher self and guides via muscle testing and are shifted energetically to you by simple intention. (I believe the nature energies are doing the actual shifting.) We then explore what was underneath that layer and has now come to the surface to be felt and released. We continue moving through layers with this process until it becomes clear we are “done” for now.
This process brings more ease and grace into your life and often the “answers” you are looking for.
Sessions can last 30 to 90 minutes.
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